Извините, регистрация закрыта. Возможно, на событие уже зарегистрировалось слишком много человек, либо истек срок регистрации. Подробности Вы можете узнать у организаторов события.
Are you coming to Russia and worry about connecting with locals? What if no one around speaks English? Start with “What about US” festival most american event of English language and culture in St. Petersburg, where you will definitely have something to talk about.
Are you coming to Russia and worry about connecting with locals? What if no one around speaks English? Start with “What about US” festival most american event of english language and culture in St. Petersburg, where you will definitely have something to talk about.
Part 1. What about language?
Three hours english language crush course from native-speaking teachers for different level groups (А, В, С). New vocabulary, intricate grammar and lots of fun speaking.
Part 2. What about culture?
Are there any new modern slang words? What do Americans eat for breakfast? Do cowboys still exist? You will learn everything about real US life from our speakers TED Talks. Do not forget to play some board games and watch some movies at a lounge area.
Part 3. What about party?
Do we have a reason to party? Of course! Celebrate the evening with life jazz music and square dance master class. In addition to classical american punch as a welcome drink we would have a special cocktail menu that consists of some states signature drinks.
In any questions or problems please massage the event manager.
WhatsApp +79052185159 Anna